Thursday, March 13, 2008

Obama and his pastor....

I don't like to discuss politics on my blog but sometimes it just can't be helped. Today I was listening to the Sean Hannity radio program on my way home from work. He was discussing Obama's church, the Trinity United Church of Christ and its pastor, Rev. Wright. If you have listened to any news over the past few months, then you have heard the controversy surrounding this church. Sean played several clips of some of the pastor's sermons and I sat in my driveway shocked over the language and racially charged words, including "GD", that he uses. Now I can't rightly recall my pastor, both past & present, ever using this language in our church or discussing anything other than the love of Jesus and how He can transform our lives.

Mr. Obama has said that he searched for a church 20 something years ago when he found Trinity. There are many reasons to decide to join a church: beliefs, programs, friendliness of its members, the pastor and above all, a love of God. If he found a connection with Trinity, asking Rev. Wright to become his spiritual advisor for his campaign and hearing Rev. Wright's speeches today, people deciding to vote for Obama should have some concern of who they are entrusting the future of this country to...and where he receives his guidance from. I am a Republican and will vote such. But if you are a Democrat, I encourage you to seek out the information that I have regarding this relatively unknown candidate before casting your vote. Look beyond the speeches, of all the candidates, to make a wiser decision.

Have a blessed night....


Laura said...

Do you think they could have been taken out of context? Or maybe not even the pastor himself. I've become so skeptical of everything I hear about politics now. Does Obama even have a connection to that church anymore? I don't know anything...

Pat said...

No, Wright's words are taken right from his sermons.It's hard to say if this is the type of sermon he preaches each Sunday. Obama is still a member. Wright suppposedly "retired" or is on sabbatical, not sure what role he is still playing. As it gets closer to Nov. start researching the 2 candidates since this is your first election. I won't tell you who to vote for....cough, McCain....:)...but will answer questions you may have, OK? ILU