Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Don't be scared off by this post......

All of the people that I personally know that read my blog won't be scared off by this topic. Those that visit I hope that you will be able to say that you agree with the post or by the time you finish reading, it will give you something to think about.

I am a Christian! Recently we were asked....How do you share God with others? I don't make it an everyday topic of conversation, but I try to live my life as an example of my faith. And hopefully that would be an inspiration to others. My faith in Jesus teaches me to look at others with a kind & forgiving heart. Sometimes I have to work at that...but I eventually get there. I don't have ill thoughts of others, wish harm to others either physically or emotionally, or try to be better than the next person. That next person could possibly be me on any given day, maybe tomorrow.

Why am I talking about this? Because I have heard some very hard things in the news the past few days, things that have weighed heavily on my heart. It made me ask... why would someone want to cause harm to others, to destroy another person's life....and my answer has to be...because that person doesn't know Jesus or have Him in their lives. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

*A man walks into a Wendy's dressed in a suit and tie. Minutes later he starts shooting people, killing a father who was simply exchanging a toy for his child. The killer then kills himself.

*Parents and their children have been killed either by their own child or by strangers for such selfish reasons.

*A high school student with a promising future was gunned downed by gang members for not answering a question. For not answering a question! His mother has been serving in Iraq and now is coming home to bury her son.

Lives have been absolutely shattered and changed forever. If you don't have a driving force in your lives, a faith that sustains you and gives you guidance, then you make such life changing, life ending decisions such as above. My faith has sustained me in some very trying times in my life that I do not give up on life and even more so, my own....

I hope I didn't scare you off...I hope you know Jesus too.. or would want to.....have a very blessed evening......

1 comment:

phyl said...

These things really disturb me as well. You can hardly turn on the news and not hear of another horrible tragedy happening. This latest one at Wendy's really was so senseless. It just makes you know just how precious life is and how little time we need to be wasting on being upset over little things, holding grudges, and having unsettled circumstances. You just never know - you could be that person in the midst of the tragedy and your life as you know it here on earth would be over. In an instance there would be no more time to do and say the things that really need to be done and said. How sad would that be?