Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

It seems like blogs are the "new" thing these days even tho they've been around for quite a while. So many in my family have one now that I thought I'd give it a try. I thought I'd talk about things that happen during the day, what's going on in the news....and then maybe nothing at all...just a little bit of this-n-that.

I work in special education and enjoy the work tremendously. Not a teacher but in the office where all the plans are written, where futures are mapped out or changed because of a student's poor decision. It is very rewarding to see a student become successful when they thought they couldn't achieve good grades & eventually a diploma. And disheartening when other troubled kids keep making the same dumb mistakes, eventually getting into serious trouble. The highlight of a day is visiting the brain injured kids who give you the biggest smile and are so happy to see you. That makes your day worthwhile!

Have a blessed day....


Lil. Bit said...

This is bethany! I'm glad to see that you have joined the blogging world! If you have time go check out mine and Brittany's blog at
I look forward to reading your blog.

Pat said...

Hey Bethany! First comment and from someone I know. I have read your blog before and will do so again. Thanks for commenting and good luck on your tests next week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,
I enjoyed reading your first blog. I can't wait to see what other words of wisdom that you have for all of us!! :)
I love the pictures of your 4 legged children!! Adorable!!
I love you,