Saturday, January 12, 2008

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.......

My sister is reading this book...again...and it reminded me that I have a copy of it also. I found it tucked on a shelf and started thumbing thru it again, looking at the various ways of dealing with the daily issues in our lives. Issues that become huge if we allow it. Stuff happens in our lives, some big, mostly small. It's how we deal with it, how we react to it..and sometimes the person causing it...that will determine the stress in our lives.

If you have this book, turn to page 95....Choose Being Kind over Being Right...isn't that an awesome statement. I have tried in my own life to be kind to others, to have a good word to share, to try to see the good in others. Am I, but I try to be. Am I a perfect parent....uh, no there too. But my kids are terrific, have caring hearts and compassion for others, what more could you ask for. (Maybe straight A's, immaculate rooms, etc)

Being kind is probably the most compassionate thing you can be to someone else. After having been on the receiving end of the comments (undeserving), it is a hurtful thing to do. And relationships are hurt...

In life, before saying something you'll be sorry for, reread your email before hitting the send button, think about your words before they're out of your mouth and can't be retrieved...

A wonderful quote by Carl W. Buechner says, “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” How very true....

Have a blessed day....


Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,
I love this book!! It's a book that I think everyone should have and just keep rereading it over and over again. I plan to.
I love you,

Laura said...

Straight A's? Check. Immaculate rooms? Check. :-]

Anonymous said...

I knew Laura could not let those comments go by without saying something!! :)

Laura said...


Pat said...

Well, she has been making the A's and I think since she's been on her own and responsible for the cleaning, she's been better at keeping that up. AND learning how to cook which will come in quite handy one day!
Now, the other daughter is a different story, but she's trying. Pretty much the same boat that Laura was in while in high school.