Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama & Ayers...more than just neighbors.

The man who wants to live in the White House....and the man who wanted to bomb it.

An article in the Wall Street Journal today addresses once again the relationship between William Ayers and Obama.

Obama has described Ayers as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” and has said it’s absurd to link him to the terrorist acts Ayers participated in during the 1960s, including planting bombs in the Pentagon. “And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense,” Obama has said.

But an old saying, "You are known by the company you keep" speaks loudly when it comes to Obama, or Sotero, which may be his true legal name. Over the last 20+ years, he has had relationships with Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, Pastor Wright, Antoin Rezko, Rashid Khalidi and more. People who have hurt America and its citizens, people who speak against the United States, and people who do not have America's best interests at heart, no matter how much they claim.

After 9/11, Ayers was quoted in the New York Times, saying, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,” Ayers wrote in his memoirs, titled “Fugitive Days.” He said that he didn’t personally set the bombs, but his group planned the attack & set off the explosives. Isn't there a law that says if you're in a car wreck or involved in a robbery that causes a death, you are just as guilty as if you drive the car or pulled the trigger. Ayers...guilty as charged.

The company you keep, Obama, is coming home to hurt you just like those chickens that Wright spoke about. He seems to think that these relationships should not reflect on his personal values but they do, as they should. I have cautioned my children to choose their friends wisely because of the above statement. You are judged, sometimes wrongly, by the company you keep or by the people you hang around with. Obama must have thought that his conversations, associations, speeches, votes, his choices in life would not eventually come back to haunt his campaign. But that is exactly what is and will happen in the coming weeks.

This question has been asked by many people: How could a man running for the presidency of the United States possibly have anything to do with, or have anything but disdain for a man like Ayers who did what he has done to this country?

When is the media going to start asking Obama/Sotero the tough questions! Enough of the hopey/changey....

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