Friday, February 15, 2008

Computers....Great when they work!

I think most people use computers in their work place to some degree. In my job, I probably use one about 60% of the time...for correspondence, calendar, various school software, online research, etc. Usually, there is no problem at all....until yesterday....

The first hint of a problem was when I was talking with someone within the school and they just disappeared. I thought they were waiting on me to say something or was busy writing down what we were talking about. Until, I said their name....and dead air. Everything open on my computer screen went blank or just quick working. And it stayed that way for about 2 hours. Luckily it came back online and all was well......until today.

It crashed again and was down for hours. Now, when you have to set meetings and get out notices & such, it makes for a difficult day. So knowing that this problem may go into early next week, I hand wrote a meeting notice for staff. Hand wrote because my word processor was also effected. And because I had to set a meeting and couldn't access my calendar...which was in my computer....I had to look at the meeting folders to determine an opening. But everything worked out and the system came back online about an hour before we left.

What a day.....of course the Valentine chocolate in the drawer made it all better.....:)

Have a blessed night.....

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