Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tallulah Gorge, GA

One day we visited Tallulah Gorge in NE GA. This beautiful area is about 1000 feet deep and 2 miles long. It has a visitor's center and then paths that lead to several overlooks. You can also get a permit which allows you access to an area where you can throw yourself over a perfectly good rock wall.....:)...for you adventuresome souls.

The Great Wallendah, famous tight rope walker/circus performer, stretched a cable across the gorge and successfully walked it.

My sister and I with the waterfalls below.

One person in the group didn't like heights, as you can see him admiring the view from afar! He nicknamed himself....sissy boy!


Anonymous said...

There is a wonderful waterfall about 15 miles from the gorge. It is called Minnehaha falls and is well worth the trek to find it. Directions can be found on the web by google-ing Minnehaha falls.

Pat said...

One day I would really like to do that, be a little more adventurous & find these hidden gems. From the pictures I've seen in books & online they would be worth the hunt. Thanks!