For me, one of the most important aspects of this race is character, integrity, decisions made and life choices. Candidates can speak volumes on their platform regarding education, health care, the economy, foreign policy and the likes. But depending on the state of the country, like the economy now and an ongoing war and what party dominates the Congress, those platforms may not be able to succeed once elected.
The candidate who represents my party, has a history of service to the military, having been a prisoner of war for over 5 years, being tortured and sustaining painful wounds. Those same wounds have caused life altering disabilities to where he can't comb his hair, do consistent typing and the such. He also has been in politics since 1982 and is known for being a "maverick", one that works across the aisle to get things done. If you only work within your party, sometimes you may be neglecting a good idea from the people across the aisle. And that maverick is John McCain.
Ok, so there's finally some talk in the MSM/Mainstream Media (New York Times just published an article) about the relationship between Obama and Bill Ayers mainly because Sarah Palin is mentioning him at her rallies. The MSM has pretty much neglected this topic or not given it much coverage because it reflects negatively against "their" candidate, Obama. And what does Team Obama have to say about Ayers....Obama, who was a child when the Weathermen were planting bombs, has denounced Ayers’ radical views and actions.
Well, that part is true..when Bill and his group were planting bombs, Obama was 8 years old. But that doesn't excuse his relationships with Ayers since then.
Ayers was not convicted because the FBI bungled a wiretap. He admits to being a criminal, just not a convicted criminal. Guilty just the same.
Now Obama, in the early Democratic debates, said that Ayers was "just a guy that lives in my neighborhood, and a professor of English...". He was being dishonest to the American public! I guess he didn't think quick enough that this would be checked out. In fact, it goes further than that and probably more as information is coming to light each day.
It is said that Obama and Ayers first came in contact when Obama became Chairman and President of the $50 million Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a multi year school reform effort started in 1995. The question that is being raised and researched is if that relationship was pre-CAC, which is very possible. There are possibilities that they met as far back as Columbia College in the 1980's. If they did, it will come to light.
Now this brings up a question. In all of Obama's speeches about his amount of experience, has he ever, even once, mentioned being the Chairman and President of $50 million Chicago Annenberg Challenge. He ranks on Palin about her being a Mayor but here he was a CHAIRMAN & PRESIDENT with actual responsibilities and duties. He only mentioned his being a Community Organizer, why not the more prominent role? Why wasn't this brought up in debate, in press, in talking points by his staff...even once? What is he hiding?? Is it because of the mismanagement of the CAC, the millions going to school children?
To me, if you want to know what kind of man will make a good president, look at his past, the people he has been associated with, his judgements...with Obama..look at Bill Ayers, Rev Wright (20 year relationship), Father Pfleger, Tony Rezko, Nadhami Auchi, M. Marzook and others.
Why would Obama choose to associate himself with a man like Ayers, who clearly is not a friend of the United States, to say he didn't do enough in his earlier years as a terrorist, to show such disrespect that he would stand on the American flag?
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