Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ocoee High School: We Are YOUR Future!

This video is about the school where I work, Ocoee High School in Ocoee, Florida. It's about the cuts that are coming next year that will possibly cut my job (which affects the Special Education students that I work for). It will affect the lives of all students as it cuts the jobs of their favorite teachers, their favorite electives, will possibly forever change the face of Ocoee High School and what it has become in just four short years.

"Ocoee High School's take on budget cuts. Be informed. Fight for your education. Fight for your future. Contact legislatures. 50th is NOT OK. Credit to: Ross, Emily, Jannelle, and Morgan for producing; all those interviewed for giving their input; and especially Principal Mike Armbruster, who cares about our school from the bottom of his heart and who has done so much for every single one of us."


phyl said...

This video was wonderful!! Congratulations to the people who had a part in making it!!

Pat said...

The cuts to Orange County as of yesterday is.....$240,000,000! Yes, $240 MILLION! You can't say that without feeling disheartened. That's people's jobs and the education of ALL students. It's also a loss of programs, sports, art & music, paras, ALL annual contract teachers and MORE.