As I've said before, this race was about character above all else for me and my family. If McCain had been a black man and still held the same "character" as he truly does, he would have my vote. If I felt he would keep me and my family safe, secure, heal the economy and work with all people to heal our nation, he would have my vote. And that is why John McCain got my vote. But others in my party that chose to vote for BO did so out of disdain for Bush, the war, for guilt, dislike of McCain, whatever...others that voted for BO did so for the same reasons but also for their party, what they saw as the "gimmies" to come and race. People, what have you done?
Living in Florida we face every year the threat of a hurricane. Living in Central Florida, the winds may not be as strong or the damage as severe, but the feeling in the pit of your stomach is one of quiet fear...fear of the unknown. Are you to the left of the storm or the more damaging "right" side? On this day, I feel I am to the "right" of the storm, the "right" of the election. It's the fear of the unknown.
Right now, I watch little news. More cooking shows, "First Time Home Buyer" shows, Law and Order, anything to avoid the face and the voice of The One. I have no respect for him after his disgraceful show of disrespect to Hillary Clinton and recently, John McCain (see post below). As a politician running for the highest office in this great land, you don't flip off your opponent. What are you, Mr Prez, 44 going on 13? People, what have you done!
People have said this was the biggest turnout ever but more people voted in the 2004 election than this election, see below:
2004 Election Turnout Roughly 121 Million
62,040,606 BUSH
59,028,109 KERRY
2008 Election Turnout Roughly 19.5 Million 1.5 million less than 2004
63,423,384 OBAMA
56,079,500 MCCAIN
So, people, when BO can't follow thru with his election promises, taxes the middle class even tho he said he wouldn't, can't end the war when he promises, when another nation or terrorist attacks us here on our land (as Biden promised), he moves to the far left where he is most comfortable, finally shows his true self and you feel totally betrayed by your candidate....don't ask, Prez, what have you done?
People, look in the mirror and ask yourself....what did I do?
“An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.” - Confucius
You are a sick person. There is a corrupt generation that needs to fade swiftly away, and you're in it.
Well, Wheelies, I thought I could open up the non-moderated comments once again and allow anyone to be able to comment on my blog. But I see the Obots are still alive and kicking!
Mommy's calling, go do your homework....:)
I totally agree with you Mrs. Pat! However it's not a man who is leading this country, God is still in control of our country and it's people. Every time I think about Obama winning I just think about that and it makes me feel a little bit better.
You're absolutely right Bethany. Some of us were talking that maybe it will take BO running this country to make us realize how great this country once was and how much we risk losing. It still is but risks going in a direction that could bring about great harm to its people. But we have to keep our faith in our Lord and pray...and yes pray for BO to make wise choices. But his history doesn't give me much hope and that's sad.
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