Thursday, September 4, 2008

Piper Palin loves her little brother, Trig

I hope you watched the best speech last night of this whole campaign...including that other guy. Sarah Palin was absolutely awesome in her delivery, warm, funny, endearing, serious and to the point. Did you know her teleprompter quit working halfway thru the speech. You would have never known it given her poise.

The highlight for my family was watching the little snippets of Piper holding little Trig, the Palin's 4 month old baby, born with Down Syndrome. Piper was trying to get his hair to lay down flat and when she was having difficulties, what else can you do....but give it a little spit shine. Just precious!!



Lil. Bit said...

That is just so adorable! That is not an act that is all natural and you can't plan that! :] We all cracked up laughing when she did that.

Pat said...

We did too! If you turn up the sound, when Piper licks her hand you can hear some in the audience giggle so they saw her too.